Thursday, February 4, 2016

Cram for a test

Meaning:  the act of attempting to learn a large amount of information in a short period of time, especially for a test.

Example 1
Jack and Jessica are classmates, and are in the classroom right now.

Jessica: You look stressed.
Jack: I am super stressed!!
Jessica: Why?
Jack: Jonas just told me that we have a test today in class!
Jessica: How come you didn’t know that?
Jack: I was sick this week so I have been absent for three days.
Jessica: Oh no!! What are you going to do?
Jack: I’ve been cramming for the test for the past hour!

Example 2

Megan is talking to her sister, Ella, at home in the morning at the breakfast table.

Megan: What are you reading?
Ella: I’m trying to study for my test.
Megan: When is your test?
Ella: Today!!
Megan: Oh! Are you ready for it?
Ella: No, that’s why I’m cramming for it.
Megan: I hope you remember everything.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Pull an all nighter

Meaning: Depriving yourself of sleep all night to do things that need to be done or you want to do. Usually used for studying.

Example 1

Matt and Ben are two friends

Matt: Are you going to John’s party tonight?
Ben: No, I’m not!
Matt: Why not?
Ben: I have a test tomorrow.
Matt: Didn’t you study for the test?
Ben: No, that’s why I have to study all night!!
Matt: Man! So you are going to pull an all nighter?
Ben: Yeah! It looks like it!

Example 2

Jessica finished her final exams at her university in the morning and is now visiting her parents in the afternoon.

Jessica: Hi mom!! It’s so good to see you.
Mom: Thanks honey! It’s so nice to see you, too. I’ve missed you.
Jessica: I’ve missed you, too. How are you?
Mom: I’m great. How about you?
Jessica: I’m so tired, mom!!
Mom: Why, honey?!
Jessica: I was awake all night
Mom: Why were you awake all night? Were you at a club? You should focus on your studies!!!
Jessica: NO Mom!!!! I was pulling an all nighter for my final exams.
Mom: Oh, I see. You are such a good student, honey!