Tuesday, August 30, 2011

to have something in common

Idiom: to have something in common
Context #1:
Joe: Guess what! I found out that Cindy and I both love Jazz music. Plus, she loves to play soccer just like I do.
Fred: Wow! You guys have a lot in common.
Joe: Yeah. I wonder if we like any other of the same things.
Context #2:
Mario: So how come you broke up with your girlfriend?
Tim: Well, she was really nice, and pretty too. But I found out that we had almost nothing in common. We like different kinds of music, different kinds of movies, different kinds of food. We had nothing to really talk about. I love sports but she hates them.
Mario: Yeah.. it would be really hard to date someone who had so many differences.
Meaning: to have something in common means that two people share the same background, hobbies, likes, or experiences.
This idiom was taken from the LSI textbook Speaking Transitions which is used to teach Level 4 Speaking at LSI schools. For more information please visit: www.languagesystems.com

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