Tuesday, August 16, 2011

To see ( someone's ) point

First example
Judy:  Hey Megan, I heard that you are selling your car, I have a friend who might be    interested.
Megan: That's great. Tell her to give me a call.
Judy: How much are you selling it for? I think she can pay about $ 3000
Megan: I'm selling it for $3500 and I really can't accept any less. It's a fairly new car and in great condition and I paid three times the price for it.
Judy: Ok. I see your point. I'll tell her to give you a call.
Second example
Sarah: Mom, I really don't want to play soccer this season.
Sarah's Mom : But honey, you're such a great player and your team won first place last season.
Sarah: I know, but I've been thinking of taking a yoga class and getting more involved in a club at school. I wish you'd see my point ( of view )
Sarah's Mom: Why don't you think about it for a few more days and we can talk about it later?
Meaning: To "see someone's point" means that you understand their reason for having a certain opinion, or for feeling a certain way. When you say " I see your point ," you are telling
them their idea is reasonable and understandable. This can be a useful phrase when you have a small difference of opinion and you want the other person to feel understood.
This idiom can be found in LSI 's Level 4 Speaking Transitions book.

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