Wednesday, December 21, 2011

To Cater To

To Cater To

Example 1:

Tammy: I just love that new restaurant on 9th street! It has the most delicious sandwiches!

Selma: I know! I went there with some friends from school last week. The best thing about the restaurant is that it caters to vegetarians, so we tried a variety of different types of dishes. Restaurants in this area usually only carry a few common vegetarian dishes, but this
restaurant had so many!

Tammy: Yes, I really want to go back there.

Example 2:

Kitty: I absolutely loved staying at that hotel on the coast. When I was there, the hotel employees catered to my every need. All I needed to do was ask.

Jolene:That must have been expensive! Usually hotels that offer a lot of services charge much more.

Kitty: Actually, it was not too expensive. I guess that hotel caters to young couples looking for a romantic weekend. It worked with us because my husband and I are definitely going back.

Jolene: Wow, I’ll have to check it out the next time I go out of town for the weekend.

To cater to means to supply what is wanted or needed. In the first example, the restaurant supplies food for vegetarians. In the second example, the hotel supplies a lot of services for people staying there. This idiom can be found in the LSI textbook Reading Transitions. This book is used at LSI schools in the level 4 Reading/Vocabulary classes.
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