Friday, August 3, 2012

To raise (one's) voice

Idiom: to raise (one's) voice

Context #1:
Wife:  "Why are you coming home so late from work?  You said you would be home at 8!"
Husband (in a loud angry voice): "I hit traffic!  Ok?  Just calm down."
Wife: "You don't have to raise your voice.  I'm just asking because I was getting worried about you."
Husband:  "I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to yell at you.  I just had a really stressful day at work."  
Context #2:
Sara:  My mom is so nice to me.  I really appreciate her a lot.
Kathy:  I know!  Your mom is such a sweetheart.  You're very lucky.
Sara:  Even whe she gets mad or upset, she never raises her voice at me.
Meaning:  to raise one's voice means to talk in a loud manner, usually due to anger or frustration.  When people get into a fight or an argument, very often someone will raise their voice.  This expression can be found in the LSI textbook titled "Reading Savvy."  This book is used to teach level 5 Reading/Vocabulary classes.  For more information please visit

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