Monday, December 17, 2012

To Hit the Jackpot

To Hit the Jackpot

Meaning: To have really good luck or to be very successful at something

Example 1:
Tom: I was looking for an apartment for so long that I was about to give up. But last Sunday, I hit the jackpot! I found an absolutely perfect place.

Sarah: That’s great! Where is it?

Tom: It’s only two blocks from the school, so I can walk every day. Also, there is a supermarket and theater right across the street. Plus, it has a really nice pool where I can have parties on the weekend. And it’s only $600 per month!

Sarah: You really did hit the jackpot! How did you find it?

Tom: A friend of my uncle Bob needed to rent it fast and wanted someone responsible. I guess that would be me!

Sarah: Congratulations!

Example 2:
Kelly: You and Sam make such a good couple. You really hit the jackpot when you met him!

Jenny: Yes, I know. When you consider how we met, then I really consider myself lucky.

Kelly: Really? How did you meet?

Jenny: Well, I crashed into him at a stoplight while on my way to work. There was a lot of damage to his car, and I thought he would hate me instead of asking me out on a date!

Kelly: What a nice guy! I guess he was able to ignore your bad driving skills and get to know you as a person.

Jenny: Hey! I’m not that bad! I just made a mistake. Besides, I really did hit the jackpot that day. Who knows about the future?

To hit the jackpot means originally meant to win a lot of money when gambling or playing a game. However, it is commonly used to show when someone is lucky at finding a good deal, like the apartment in the first example. Also, if someone finds a good friend or spouse, it can also be used to express luck (see example 2).

This idiom can be found in the LSI textbook Reading Horizons, 2nd edition. This book is used in the level 6 Reading/Vocabulary classes. For more information, please visit:

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