Thursday, February 13, 2014

To Have A Crush On Someone

Idiom: crush/to have a crush on someone; used as a verb

First Example:

Christina: Hey Sarah, welcome back from your vacation.
Sarah: Thanks.  It was great.  Any changes around here?
Christina: Well, they hired a new guy last week, Eric, and he's really sweet. Plus, he's kind of handsome.
Sarah: Yeah, I met him earlier.  Wait, you have a crush on him, don't you?
Christina: What? No. He's only been here a week.
Sarah: Then how do you explain the new dress? And the new hair style? And the makeup?
Christina: Well, OK, maybe I have a little crush, but I think he's married.
Sarah: I didn't see a ring when I shook his hand.  And don't look now, but he's looking at you right now. 
Christina: Really?
Sarah: I think I sense the beginning of an office romance.

Meaning: The expression "to have a crush on someone" means to have very strong feelings for someone.  However, when "crush" is used to describe attraction, it usually implies that the attraction is one way and that it likely won't last.  In the example above, Sarah thinks that Christina has a crush on their new coworker, Eric.  While Christina initially denies it, she finally admits that she does have a crush, but then she explains why it is only a crush: she thinks he's married.  However, Sarah says that he wasn't wearing a wedding ring, and then she notices that he is looking at Christina she suggests that Christina's crush could turn into an actual romance.

In addition, "crush" doesn't always have to be used with "have" or "on", as in the following example:

Timothy: I noticed you keep staring at Melissa. Are you interested in here?
Cole: Kind of.
Timothy: You should ask her out.
Cole: No.  It's just a little crush.  I'll be over it soon.
Timothy: Why not! If you like her, ask her out!
Cole: I don't think she would ever go out with me. Plus, she's a good friend.  If I asked her out, then it would be awkward when we hung out. 

In this case, Cole likes Melissa, but he says it's "just a little crush," meaning that he likes her, but it's not serious.  He has decided not to ask her out because he doesn't want to make their friendship awkward.

Note: this idiom is related to LSI's upcoming Valentine's Day party.  For more information, contact the Marketing Department or ask the front desk at your school.

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