Thursday, April 3, 2014

To Feel Blue

To Feel Blue: To feel depressed or sad. The use of the color blue to mean sad dates from the late 1300s.

Dialogue 1

Nikki: What is the matter, Ned? You look awful!
Ned: I’m feeling really blue because Carol just left me for another guy.
Nikki: Really? Who?
Ned: Her new co-worker, Bob. She just told me all of a sudden that she wanted to break up.
Nikki: I’m so sorry to hear that. Don’t worry. You’ll find someone new. Besides, you didn’t get along very well with Carol anyway. You need to find someone who likes the same things you like.
Ned: You’re right. I feel blue now, but tomorrow things will be much better.

Dialogue 2
Bob: Oh, no! I failed my math test. That means I have to take summer school to bring up my grade.
Ken: That’s too bad! You must really feel blue right now.
Bob: You think? I had big plans for the summer and now it will all be spent at school with Mr. Simpson doing math problems.
Ken: Maybe you should have studied more?
Bob:  Ok, don’t make it worse. I already feel blue. You need to do something to cheer me up.
Ken: Well, I can help you with your math. I love math. I could do it all day!

Meaning: To feel blue means to feel very sad about something or someone.  In the first dialogue, Ned is feeling blue because his girlfriend broke up with him.  In the second dialogue, Bob feels blue because he has to take a math class during the summer instead of doing something fun.  

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