Friday, August 25, 2017

A bee in her/his/my bonnet

Example 1:

Debbie has been really unhappy recently. I thought she was just busy and maybe a little stressed out. It turns out she’s had a bee in her bonnet about something I said to her last week. She was complaining that she never has money. She goes to school full time, but she still has a lot of free time, so I suggested she get a part-time job instead of going to so many parties. Apparently, she didn’t like that and has been mad at me since then. I was just trying to help!

Example 2:

I really don’t like when people borrow something and “forget” to return it. That has always been a bee in my bonnet.


Imagine wearing a hat (a bonnet) and then imagine a bee inside your bonnet! You would certainly not be comfortable or calm. This expression is generally used to talk about negative feelings. There are a few ways to use a bee in my/his/her bonnet. 

In example 1, Debbie has a bee in her bonnet about something the speaker said. In other words, Debbie is upset/angry about what the speaker said. 

In example 2, the speaker explains that it bothers them when borrowed items are not returned; this is a bee in their bonnet.
Use the verb have to show angry.
Debbie HAS a bee in her bonnet. Debbie is angry.
Use the verb be when talking about something that bothers you.

Littering on the street IS a bee in my bonnet. I don’t like littering. 

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks a whole lot for sharing another awesome American idiom ... You're the best ...
    We love you ... Can't wait for more ... Keep up the good work ...

    Russian ESL students
    American Language Center (ALC)
