Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Stab in the back - Meaning: To betray someone

Hey Laura,

I am writing you this e-mail to let you know how upset I am with what you did!
I thought you were my best friend... I told you I wanted to apply for the new position as head teacher at our school.
I told you I was going to apply, but you went ahead and did it before me! I heard you got the job.
That was a stab in the back!
Congratulations... You got a new job, but you lost a friend.

Good bye,


In this example, Ericka felt betrayed because Laura knew she was interested in the new position. She applied for the job, didn't say anything to Ericka, and she got the job!

Ericka felt like that was a stab in the back and ended their friendship. How sad...

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