Monday, June 24, 2019


Dope (adjective): A word that describes something that is very cool, such as music, movies, clothes, people, etc.

Example 1:

Listen to the song by Outkast "So Fresh, So Clean"

Ain't nobody dope as me, I'm dressed so fresh so clean...Outkast

Example 2:
Kristina: Hey, Brad! Did you go to Trey's party last Saturday night?
Brad: Yes, it was dope! There were tons of people and a live band. 
Kristina: Oh, I'm sorry I missed it. I had to work.
Brad: That sucks. Maybe you can catch Trey's next party at the end of the summer. 

In example 1, the singer is talking about how dope he is because of his nice clothes. In example 2, Brad says that Trey's party was dope, or awesome, because of all the people and live music. This word as a noun is also used to describe drugs, but recently it is used as an adjective to describe a person or thing that is really cool. 

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